Metallisation by spraying
Different “chrome effect” metallization techniques: Silvering (silver), galvanisation (decorative chrome or hard chrome) and vacuum metallisation (aluminum) are different techniques that consist of depositing a metal layer on materials for decorative or technical uses. Among these techniques, apart from galvanic … Continued
What painting for an airbrush?
There are many brands of paintings, different types of paintings, but also different qualities. There are also different professions using the airbrush. So let’s take a look at all this, and see how to choose and what paint to use for … Continued
Bodywork Topcoat, Polishing and Buffing Techniques
Polishing and buffing are techniques that can perfect, increase, or restore the gloss from car or motorcycle topcoats. These same techniques are applicable on topcoated surfaces in the furniture and interior design sectors. It’s a gradual process that uses polishing … Continued
How to make a river table with epoxy resin?
How to make a river table with epoxy resin? River tables are truly unique artistic creations, which resemble a river flowing between two sides of a canyon. These masterpieces were created by combining wood, a natural and raw material, and … Continued
Chrome paint system – Industrial version
The StardustColors chrome effect paint is the best on the market : it produces a true mirror chrome effect. The chrome paint effect is easy to apply using a spray gun over a gloss hard background. The mirror layer is … Continued
Phosphorescent Helipad
Photoluminescent Helipad: Building a phosphorescent helicopter landing pad implies that it has to be visible at night, in complete darkness, without the use of electrical runway lights on the ground or other retro-reflective equipments. An helipad with phosphorescent marking brings … Continued
Hydro dipping equipment – Water transfer tank for sale
How to start and specialize in hydro dipping? The hydrographics printing process involves immersing any item through an inked film placed on the surface of the water and dissolved with a solvent. Dipping comes from the English word “to dip“. … Continued
How to paint the Kawasaki H2R?
A true phenomenon! In the motorcycle industry, one had rarely seen such a beautiful painting effect, until the release of the famous Kawasaki H2R. With its beautiful ultra-glossy black appearance, it does not go unnoticed. At first glance, one can … Continued
Do it yourself – Auto-moto painting!
Do it yourself – Auto-moto painting! Do you want to give a new look to your old motorcycle paint ? Do you want to create yourself a custom paint on your scooter? Or repaint yourself a wing on your car? … Continued
Paint a table that changes colour with temperature
Its possible and rather easy to create a surface that changes its appearance to the touch, or to the contact of an object. Imagine a perfectly normal table, black and shiny, which turns pink, or green, or which reveals patterns, … Continued