Here are some specialties that figure prominently among all car paint for car parts: these are engine paints or more specifically, certain upper and visible parts of the engine. These are essentially car paints with a natural adhesion to metal and with sufficient qualities to withstand the extreme temperatures and conditions that car paints for ...
Read moreHere are some specialties that figure prominently among all car paint for car parts: these are engine paints or more specifically, certain upper and visible parts of the engine. These are essentially car paints with a natural adhesion to metal and with sufficient qualities to withstand the extreme temperatures and conditions that car paints for cylinder block are supposed to undergo.
It is possible to insulate the car paints with an anti-corrosion primer that will come between the surface metal and the 2K paint, to promote maximum protection and adhesion. But most of our high temperature products are finishes, simple to use, effective and do not require any primer.
Did you know that it is the simplest products that are most resistant to heat? For this reason, we use single-component high-temperature finishes rather than 2K paints (the latter start to crack, blister and blacken above 250°C).
As always, the preparation actions are worth more than the quality of the product, to ensure a good job that lasts over time. Here are the basic steps to take :
Step 1 : Do a total degreasing of the area to be painted. This involves removing all traces or presence of oil, grease, hydrocarbons or grease. For this, we use an anti-silicone degreaser or alcohol. Exceptionally, we can even go without hesitation with acetone.
If the parts to be painted are not made of iron, be careful with the type of solvent and use alcohol or degreaser instead.
Step 2 : Dry and dust. If necessary, delimit the parts to be painted or protected with adhesives.
Step 3 : it is our advice, even if the cylinder block paint is presented as compatible with metal (which one?), it is always wise to apply a thin coat of metal primer (a thin and light coat is better than several thick ones).
Step 4 : Apply the car paint to the cylinder block, starting with one or two thin coats, as if to build up a rough veil of adhesion. Then, after 5 minutes, apply a nice thick coat that will cover and smooth.
Then let the cylinder block paint dry for 12 to 24 hours before using.
The colors usually chosen to decorate an engine block are black, bright red, yellow and secondarily bright green and orange. All these colors, in matte or glossy versions, give an energetic and sporty character.
It is advisable to keep a maximum surface in black, as it is the color that gets dirty the least. Also, the choice of a glossy topcoat is recommended for easy cleaning.
For sophisticated and sought-after designs, you can always alternate glossy and matte areas.
They are made of heavy duty type plastics and are really difficult to paint. So, if this is your project, you need to make sure you do the necessary actions so that the paint does not peel off quickly.
Flaming actions with a burner, followed by rigorous scrubbing with green sponges soaked in thinner, are the most effective methods to allow the paints to stick to the plastic.
If the car paints are ever to be applied to areas that get very hot, care must be taken to choose the right paints, i.e. the very high temperature paints (300 or 700°C) for which the color choices are more limited. The truth is that the external surfaces of the engine rarely reach and exceed 150°C, which allows the use of conventional paints and therefore a much wider choice of colors.