Representing the most advanced color formulas among other types of motorcycle paints, pearlescent motorcycle paints have become the most common in the field of modern motorcycle paints today. Basically, a pearlescent paint is a paint that uses synthetic mica pigments. There is a wide variety of colors and types that we propose to detail below :Read more
...Representing the most advanced color formulas among other types of motorcycle paints, pearlescent motorcycle paints have become the most common in the field of modern motorcycle paints today. Basically, a pearlescent paint is a paint that uses synthetic mica pigments. There is a wide variety of colors and types that we propose to detail below :
OEM pearlescent tints : this is a pearlescent motorcycle paint made according to a very precise recipe, obtained by counter-typing the color of a motorcycle manufacturer. Often, because of the transparency of the pearlescent motorcycle paint, a specific undercoat must be applied (a third coat, see explanations below).
« Custom » pearlescent colors : these are paints that use and highlight the beauty of pearl pigments. They can be pure (the mica pigment alone creates the color) or with transparent colorants. Among these iridescent effects, fine or coarse pigments can be found, creating more sparkling, glittery effects.
Other types of paints, using the properties of the mica pigment in their composition, are « Candy » and « Chameleons ». In all these cases, the brightness qualities of the synthetic mica pigment are used to enrich the color and play with the light reflections. The effect produced by these mica particles is much finer and more subtle than the coarser and more opaque aluminum-based metal pigments.
The quality of pearlescent motorcycle paint comes with a drawback : pearlescent paint does not support any opaque tints in its formula. It must be logically transparent to allow its pearl pigments to reflect light. This implies that most pearlescent motorcycle paints are applied over a specially designed colored background (white / gray / black ...). This is the tri-coat system*.
For example, a pearly white motorcycle paint will be obtained with a white background + a coat of pure pearl. It is not possible to mix the white and the pearl, without « drowning » this pearl.
Tri-coat means three coats, so the third coat is always the clearcoat.
Does your bike have a very nice tint ? More sparkly, with a strangely beautiful and deep hue ? It's probably because your color code is a tri-coat. If you're going to do a paint job, you'll need the pearlescent color code paint + a second paint, called the « specific undercoat ».
Sometimes this undercoat (coat 1) is a single color or pearlescent. Sometimes coat 2 is simply pearlescent or a transparent color.
With the exception of the famous « Crystal » pearlescent clearcoats, pearlescent paints are only available in the form of monocomponent paints, the classic 1K paints. And why don't we make pearlescent 2K paints to save time and product ? There is a good reason for this : the pearls in the paints are sprayed perfectly and their placement on the surface must be maintained. For this, it is important to have a very thin paint, which dries very quickly to avoid at all costs a « slippage » of pigments, especially on vertical surfaces.
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