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How to apply white glitter paint?How to Achieve a White Glitter Finish on a Car Body?

Are you an amateur or a professional who thinks they know everything about applying automotive paint glitter? Then perhaps you have never tried to create a white glitter paint finish. This is a very unique and special finish because, first of all, it requires a white base coat, whereas usually a colored or black base is used.
Secondly, to successfully achieve a white glitter paint job, it is, of course, impossible to use traditional Metal Flakes. In this short article, we will explain the different solutions available to create a white glitter effect.

Most Metal Flakes are metallized, i.e. they have a layer of metal, mainly aluminum, very finely deposited on their surface: This results in a silver-gray, opaque finish, which is not suitable for achieving a white effect. The two possible solutions are to use white glitter or transparent glitter over a pure white base.

Applying white glitter paint

Regardless of the object and the type of surface being painted—whether a fairground ride, a boutique wall, a motorcycle tank, or any other item—the first step is to apply a white base coat. This can be a simple white paint or a white primer, which should then be prepped and sanded with P500 grit.
Next, the binder or clear coat is applied, mixed with the chosen glitter.

All opaque white glitters should be avoided if the goal is to achieve a beautiful white glitter effect, as their low reflectivity makes the final result unappealing. Transparent glitter helps maintain the white background while reflecting light thanks to its transparent reflective coating. Here are the best glitter options :

• Transparent holographic glitter: Creates an iridescent rainbow effect.

• Metal Flakes reference 1108: Made of transparent polyester with a transparent metallic coating, these have a slightly silver appearance.

• Diamond white glitter: Available in sizes ranging from 100 to 500 microns. Their main advantage is their minimal thickness, making them extremely easy to clear coat.

White glitter paints give the impression of a diamond-like surface. This is a rare and visually stunning finish

How to apply white glitter paint?About Cosmic Metal Flakes

There is a fourth solution that has not yet been mentioned: Cosmic Metal Flakes. These are completely transparent and produce a highly iridescent colored reflection.
This range offers a choice between single-color effects or color-shifting (Chameleon type), where the color changes depending on the viewing angle—for example, from orange to green or blue to green. The result is a pure white base that produces vibrant color reflections under different lighting angles.

What does white glitter paint look like in the shade ?

Glitter needs a direct light source to sparkle. When exposed to diffused light—for example, on a cloudy, overcast day—there is no direct light to create reflections or shine.
Thus, in shaded areas or under cloudy skies, the glitter will appear in its raw state, meaning it may look transparent or grayish. This is admittedly not the most visually appealing aspect of a glitter paint finish.

