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Mini-air compressor for spraying paintAir compressors in reduced format

Here is a remarkably useful tool that can be used in many applications. Uses with the "mini version" air compressor can be done in baking, makeup, nail decoration, tanning and finally, artistic airbrush drawing or on bodywork and helmets.

Mini compressors have specific advantages, the first of which is silence. For all those who have already used classic air compressors, it is clearly very appreciable to work with an almost silent tool, which allows you to work with your compressor at one meter from you without noise pollution.
Compressors traditional are very noisy and deliver sound levels between 60 and 80 decibels. These levels are so high that it is necessary to install the compressors outdoors or in soundproof rooms at a safe distance from the user.

Next, a mini compressor has the advantage of being portable or transportable, that is to say that you can carry it on a trip, or even move it with one hand because it does not weigh more than 1 to 5 kg depending on the model, while a classic professional compressor weighs 30 to 150 kg. In car bodies, there are compressors of 500 or 1000 Liters !
On the other hand, a mini air compressor is small in size and does not take up much space, that is to say that it measures between 20 and 30 cm maximum and it can be easily stored under the drawing table or even in a suitcase to go on a trip. This is quite different from air compressors for bodywork which are up to 2m long.

The mini-air compressor to spray paint

There is one more advantage that is not the least: while large compressors require maintenance, small airbrush compressors do not require any cleaning or purging and they are very robust and durable little machines.
These small machines have become popular and their cost is relatively low. In fact, their engine comes directly from the compressors that are installed on refrigerators.

There are two main types of airbrush compressors: on the one hand, tankless air compressors and the other, air compressors which have a tank (from 1 to 5 liters). air, where the engine draws in the outside air and stores it by compressing it in a tank that can withstand high pressure (Limited to 8 bars).
There is a big difference in the way the air is supplied by a compressor with tank and without tank. Mini compressors with a tank can deliver a much higher air flow and pressure around 6 to 8 bars, while tankless compressors cannot deliver an air pressure higher than 2 bars.
When painting with an airbrush using a mini tankless compressor, the air comes in continuously delivered directly by the motor, because there is no compression or storage of the air. As a result, the pressure drops immediately as soon as the finger is pushed on the button of the airbrush. With a compressed air tank, the pressure drops more slowly depending on the size of the tank and you can keep a certain stability of the air pressure or the air flow.

Mini-air compressor for spraying paintUse a mini paint gun with mini compressor

Is it possible to use a mini compressor with a gun ? The answer is clearly no. Let's imagine that we use a mini gun with a tank that has a tank of 5 liters (these are currently the largest among the mini compressors). Well, there will be a quantity of air delivered with an acceptable pressure of 2 bars sufficient to paint a maximum of a helmet in a single coat.
In a few seconds, all the air in the tank will have been evacuated by the gun and the pressure will drop to a minimum level of 1 bar where it will no longer be possible to paint correctly. You absolutely cannot paint a car part or a motorcycle tank.
So we can't even imagine painting with a mini gun connected to a mini compressor without tank.
To paint with a gun, you need at least a 10L tank.

Drawing with an airbrush using a mini compressor without reserve

The mini compressor is therefore essentially reserved for the use of the airbrush. For models without a compressed air tank, this small machine is remarkably efficient and is perfectly sufficient for drawing, or painting and coloring small parts, such as glasses, game console controllers, mobile phones.
It is clear that when you want to apply a varnish, an operation that requires a certain amount of air and a good flow to obtain a good shine, the mini compressor without compressed air tank will be really very limiting, for obtain a regular and shiny varnishing.

On the contrary, all those who do freehand drawing with an airbrush, or make-up, nail art, then this is a completely suitable and sufficient equipment, not to mention that the price is remarkably affordable, for beginners in airbrushing.

