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How to find the reference and the color code of your motorcycle paint ?How to find the original paint of your motorcycle ?

When you have done some damage to your fairings, or when you want to refurbish them and repaint your motorcycle, the first thing to do is make sure you have the original motorcycle paint color code. Without the paint reference, or even the paint name, you'll get nowhere. What does a Ducati motorcycle paint code look like, for example? It could be a letter followed by 3 numbers, for example V545, and the name is DUCATI-ROSSO.

To search and check the reference and find the recipe, you need software. You can search either by name or by part number. Bear in mind that names are often either in English or in the manufacturer's language. For example, when searching the HARLEY database, it's best to avoid searching for “rouge”, and instead search for “red”. Likewise for DUCATI, you're more likely to find “Rosso” (red in Italian).

How to find the color code of your motorcycle paint ?

If you don't know him, by asking his dealer, you may have the chance, if he's in a good mood, to get valuable information! Otherwise, it is necessary to search with patience on the discussion forums of the web. But that's not all ! Once you have this famous code, this color must be known and already matched by the paint manufacturers. This is the case for colors that are more than 1 or 2 years old.

Also make sure you have a motorcycle brand code, and nothing else ! If this code is 6 or 7 characters, there is a 100% chance that it has nothing to do with painting. Likewise, if you have a PPG or DUPONT code, be aware that it is not a valid motorcycle color code, it is just an internal reference from a paint manufacturer who matched the tint. By the way, there is no need to look under the saddle, or elsewhere, the motorcycle paint code will rarely be there !

Where to find the color code for Honda paints?

Your motorcycle is a Honda and you have suffered a small impact or scratch, so you need the color code to order your Honda paint!
Know that among all motorcycle brands, it is undoubtedly Honda that has produced the largest catalog of colors in the world. The colorists have been very prolific and have produced more than 300 colors over the past decades of activity.
Start by calling your nearest dealer to inquire. With the serial number, model, year and a general indication of the color, then the salesperson on the phone may be able to give you a more or less certain indication about your Honda color code. However, this is not an easy task and it is almost impossible to search by model or year, among these several hundred Honda color references. Fortunately, you are not alone in your situation and there are forums dedicated to Honda motorcycles. Take the time to visit them, do a search on the search engines and you will surely find people in your situation who have faced the same color search. Note: This is what a Honda color code looks like. If you find a reference with a lot of numbers and letters, then it's probably not color coded.

Where to find the color code for Harley-Davidson paints?

If you own a motorcycle from the iconic American brand Harley-Davidson and you are looking for your color code for your Harley-Davidson paint, the first thing we advise you to do is contact your local dealer. No, there is absolutely no point looking for this color preference anywhere on the motorcycle and you won't find it on the motorcycle's registration document either. On the other hand, if you have the booklet for your motorcycle, you have a good chance of finding this color code there, which takes the form of a reference, but also of a name.* Here is an example taken from our software. color :

Generally, Harley-Davidson dealers are knowledgeable and will be able to provide you with this information. You should know that Harley-Davidson color codes and shades are unique in many respects, compared to other motorcycle brands. Harley-Davidson's colorists have apparently been given carte blanche to create the brand's colors and it is not uncommon to find paintwork difficult to achieve with conventional paints, as Harley-Davidson uses all kinds of pigments , glitter and even Candy shades. In case your dealer cannot give you the information, then we advise you to visit certain Internet forums dedicated to the Harley-Davidson brand. Contact us as soon as you have this color code and we will look in the color software to see if we have the formula. Please note that it is not always possible to know the Harley-Davidson paint formula, especially for the colors of models recently released on the market.

Where to find the color code for Yamaha paints?

Do you own a Yamaha motorcycle and need your color code to order Yamaha paint and make a small repair?
In your case, the first thing to do is to call your dealership. If you are lucky enough to come across a competent salesperson, then they will be able to provide you with this famous Yamaha color code. However, this is not a given, because a single color code can be used on many motorcycle models and it is really difficult for the motorcycle dealer to tell you with certainty what the color code of your Yamaha model is according to the year... Especially since in this area, there is no real way to check for sure if it is the exact color code. In fact, there is no color chart and the only way to know if the color code is correct is to produce the paint and apply a test sample. Do you want to know what a Yamaha color code looks like? Here are some examples :

Please note that Yamaha is the subject of numerous forums of enthusiasts and specialists, both in our country and abroad and I strongly recommend that you take a look at one of these forums where you have every chance of find this code. Once you have your Yamaha color code, write us this color code and we can look at the formula in our software.

Where to find the motorcycle color code for BMW paints?

If you own a BMW motorcycle and you plan to carry out a small partial touch-up job on the paint of your fairings, the main difficulty will be to find the BMW motorcycle color code in order to order your BMW paint. If you search via search engines, you will quickly come across the color codes of BMW cars and this database for cars is completely separate from that for BMW motorcycles. In general, BMW motorcycle dealers are very professional and are normally able to respond to your request. Contact them and provide them with as much information as possible about your motorcycle, including the model, year, number and above all a general indication of the color, for example metallic blue. Don't claim victory too quickly, because you should know that there is no database at BMW dealerships and even less possibility of searching by model or year.

Most BMW motorcycle owners find serious and valuable information by searching on community forums specializing in the brand. Note: a BMW motorcycle color code can have different configurations, of which here are some examples:

Once you have your color code, contact us and we can carry out your BMW motorcycle painting immediately.

How to find the reference and the color code of your motorcycle paint ?For those who don't have the paint code

Either it's because the bike is old, or you're the victim of bad luck. You even searched on sites in English and you searched all over the internet ! You still have a chance, before considering redoing a new color ! Contact the Stardust colorimetry service, and provide the information you have, example : 33, fiery red, metallic, Candy. A search will be run on the software and the results will be given to you. Among the codes you may find yours, depending on the year or part of the name.

Some info on paint references in the motorcycle world

The Honda brand is far ahead of all other brands in the number of paint color codes. The same is true for requests for the manufacture of paints. Perhaps the reason is that motorcyclists who ride Hondas fall more often ? In any case, this Honda database is well supplied and up to date.
Another manufacturer that stands out is Harley Davidson. This time, for the difficulty in identifying the codes and matching the colors. Is it a deliberate desire to make the task of painters more difficult ? Or the brand's desire to sell more painted parts, to the detriment of repairs ?

3 essential pieces of information for a successful motorcycle color code painting

William, specialist motorcycle painter:
"When I need to produce an original shade, I always check the color of the primer in my software.  From experience, I know that if I don't respect the recommended background color, I often get more or less significant shade variations"

► Primer color code is always provided by Stardust. We do not send paint without informing the customer.

Motorcycle paints are very often high-quality colors with pearl effects and transparent tints. They have greater depth and shimmer than automotive paints. This means that they provide less coverage, and consequently a motorcycle color code must always be used over a specific color primer (white, Gray 7016, Gray 7040, Gray 7083, Black) and that the paint cannot be applied directly over the old, sanded paint.

"I think anyone can do a quality job, even when painting with aerosols. I've seen individuals and hobbyists do home painting jobs in their garage, and come out with work that looks as good as painters. The secret is to be meticulous and patient, especially when it comes to preparation and instructions. When you don't have a paint booth, I recommend fixing the dust to the floor by moistering the floor and walls. when there is dust, it is inevitable, even in a paint booth, we can perfect the job by polishing the clearcoat in the end..."  

Complete and detailed instructions can be found on each of the product pages available in August aerosols for paint guns

1 ► PRIMER, drying for 2 hours then sanding with P500
2 ► COLOR CODE PAINT, drying 15 min
3 ► TWO-COMPONENT CLEARCOAT, 2 coats, drying 12-24 hours

Three-coat OEM paints

"These are not necessarily more difficult colors to paint, as I always tell my customers, but they do cost a little more in products and time.  But the result is always worth it, because the shades are more beautiful, it's true! I've even seen special four-coat colors..."

If your motorcycle color is a three-coat formula, this means that between the primer and the clearcoat, there will be two steps instead of one, with two different paints. This system of superimposed effects produces even deeper, brighter colors.  In all cases, the Stardust team will inform you of the color code of the paint and of layer 2 (also called specific undercoat).

1 ► PRIMER, drying for 2 hours then sanding with P500
2 ► COLOR CODE PAINT/1, drying 15 min
3 ► COLOR CODE PAINT/2, drying 15min
4 ► TWO-COMPONENT VARNISH, 2 coats, drying 12-24 hours

What paint to paint your motorcycle ?
How to paint the frame of your motorcycle ?
What paint to repaint the fairings of your motorcycle ?
What how much paint to paint your motorcycle ?
How to paint your motorcycle ?

