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Color changing effect paintMulticolor effects

Here is a family of paints, linked especially with the world of automotive paint, which is emblematic among special effect paints. The best known are the so-called Chameleon paintings which seem to change colors depending on where you look at them. This optical effect of color change is specific to certain effect paints and is possible thanks to special pigments.

Most of the time, it's a visual effect, a kind of optical sleight of hand: the color is created by the reflection of light on the pigments that make up the paint. But then, what color are these pigments really? Just look at them in the shade and from the front (perpendicularly) and you can see their natural color, copper (for chameleons), metal gray (for holographics) or even transparent.

What are paint color changing effects ?

The sensation of color occurs through the visual perception of the observer, of the ray of light bouncing off the surface to their eye. With a traditional material, part of the waves of light is retained, another part is returned and we see a color, always the same.

In the case of special pigments often called "colorshift", the color received by the eye is changing. This phenomenon is allowed by the reflective nature of the pigment and its particular structure.

Colour-changing paints play with light, thanks to their pigments, which are made up of multilayers of metal and synthetic nacres, i.e. metal with a microscopically wavy surface. The most important factor is the angle of the light and the angle of observation, by which one can then perceive changing colors or colored reflections which appear or disappear. These are surprising and fascinating effects.

Crystal pearl varnish

It's an effect that's been known for decades and it's called interference. The pearly varnish Crystal is a perfect example with its effect of appearance of a colored reflection which is superimposed on the surface of a background often of another color. The pearly reflection "interferes" with the other color without modifying it.

Holographic painting

Their real name is "prismatic". However, holographic paint has adopted this name for a few years, making itself known in particular in the world of car tuning and in reference to the holograms that appear, showing the same colors resulting from the decomposition of the light spectrum: the rainbow -sky.

Color changing effect paintOpalescent paint

Still in the same family, here is the opalescent paint which is surely one of the most discreet but also one of the most beautiful effect paints, which has copied the specific visual aspect of shells and natural mother-of-pearl, with these magnificent reflections in light and soft colors.

Chameleon painting

With almost forty existing shades today, Chameleon paint is the queen of color change. The effect can be transparent or opaque with a classic application on a black background to show the full potential of the color.
There are chameleons with 2 to 6 color changes for a single paint job!

Candy paint
Texture effect for car paint and motorcycle paint

Reaction effect paint
Photoluminescent effect paint

