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Ducati motorcycle paint available in :
250 ml Ready to use
500 ml Ready to use
KIT 1L : 0.5L pure + 0.5L thinner
KIT 2L : 1L pure + 1L thinner
400 ml colour aerosol spray - Batch of 3 Ducati paint aerosol sprays 400 ml
Batch of 3 Ducati paint aerosol sprays 400 ml + 2 clearcoat aerosol sprays 290 ml
Ducati countertyped paint by Stardust
The brand of the Italian motorcycle manufacturer Ducati, provides a palette of beautiful, simple and intense colours. All Ducati paint colours are possible, as long as the code is provided to us (we can't produce paint without the code)
Ordering the Ducati factory colour :
Choose the packaging and order.
After ordering, tell us the Ducati paint code + brand by email in response to the order validation email
For any question about a code or a 3-coat system, write to
Ducati paint « 1K basecoat » formula
We supply the paint in solvent-based type 1K basecoat version (see technical data sheet below)
Motorcycle paints are not made in 2K finish
>>> 1K basecoat* : means that the painting is done in 2 steps, with the paint, then the clearcoat.
Specificity :
Some Ducati paints are said to be '3-coat' because they are made up of 3 coats. In such a case, our colorist will contact you to propose the first coat colour.
It can be ordered by clicking on the following link : special undercoat for factory colours.
Ducati red paint
Ducati paint mixing :
Ready-to-use versions 250 and 500 ml : stir, apply.
Pure versions : add 70% V1 thinner
The application is fast and simple. It is especially important to prepare the support well before painting and to work in clean conditions.
In most cases, paint is applied over an old paint or clearcoat, without necessarily applying a primer*:
To ensure the adhesion of the paint, perform a light but thorough sanding, with a sandpaper 800 and water. Rinse and dry.
Degrease (fingerprints, silicone, glue or grease) : With our degreaser, soak a wiping paper and clean the entire surface of the part. Immediately, with a dry wiping paper, wipe the residues of degreaser, without waiting for the evaporation;
Just before painting, pick up dust on the part with our sticky wiping pad, without pressing.
Paint :
Often, paint can be applied directly, regardless of the existing background color ; However, it is recommended, and mandatory for some three-coat clear paints/pearl motorcycle paint/complex, modern colour, to apply a uniform background colour (white, gray, dark gray or black) : Check out our Stardust Fast primer at the bottom of the page. This primer is very thin, does not require sanding, and is covered directly with the paint.
2/ The paint
The paint is applied with a spray gun (medium nozzle of 1 to 1.4 mm with a pressure of 2 to 3 bars) at a temperature of about 20°C
The paint is applied in 2 or 3 thin coats, respecting a sufficient drying time between each coat (2 to 5 minutes depending on the temperature). You can make a last thin coat with a little more distance from the aerosol spray or the gun, from the support to « melt » the shade.
3 / Varnishing
The varnishing is the final step giving the shine and enhancing the beauty of the paint work. You have 15 minutes to prepare your clearcoat mixture. It is important to varnish before thirty minutes in order to preserve the adhesion between the coats
We offer a range of excellent motorcycle clearcoats here
Performance : Calculate your paint requirements :
- 1 pure litre in 2 coats : 5 to 6 m².
- 1 aerosol spray 400 ml = 0.5m² max
Count 1 m² for a motorcycle with the minimum of fairing
and up to 2.5 m² for motorcycles with many fairings
Car polish is available in aerosol clearcoat.
It is also available for those who use a paint gun, in a 875ml mini kit, or in a 1.5L kit of 830 UHS car clearcoat.
Other technical specifications :
Viscosity : 110-125 sec Ford N°4
Dry extract : 30-35 %
VOC g/L : <860 (diluted)
Product family : Polyester
Technical data sheet : see red link pdf
Safety data sheet : see red link pdf
Exclusive use in professional booths
List (not exhaustive) of paint codes specific to the Ducati brand :
1605 Base
1606 Base
1610 Base
Ducati Red
Ducati Yellow
Ducati Black
Ducati White
Ducati Light Red
Ducati Red
Ducati Black Metallic
Ducati Silver
Ducati Anthracite
Ducati Antique Gold
Ducati Yellow
Ducati Matte Titanium
Ducati Senna Gray
Ducati Blue Metallic
Ducati Matte Black
Ducati Gray Metallic
Ducati Black Metallic #2
Ducati White
Ducati Green
Ducati 0038 Mustard Yellow
Ducati Midnight Black
Ducati Stripe/Frame Gold
Ducati Pearl White
Ducati Pallini Red
Ducati White
Ducati Wheel Gold
Ducati Cream
Ducati Metallic Black
Ducati Magnesium Engine Gold
Ducati Mat Bronze
Ducati Paul Smart Silver
Ducati Diamond Black
Ducati Dark Stealth
Ducati Matt Silver
Ducati Racing Gray
Ducati Arctic White Pearl
Ducati Diamond Black Silk
Ducati Stone White
Ducati Frame Racing Gray
Ducati Arctic White Silk
Ducati Silver Metallic
Ducati Frame Racing Black
Ducati Corse Black
Ducati Corse White
Ducati Racing Titanium Matte
Ducati Fighter Yellow
Ducati Star White Pearl
Ducati Matte Star White Silk