New product
We prepare your LAND ROVER car paint the same day.
Several versions to choose from
Aerosol 400ml
Lot of 3 Aerosol
We deliver quickly to the office, home, or relay point
As automotive paint manufacturers based in the South of France, we can prepare your LAND ROVER color.
Our spray paints or cans contain the same quality of products: we offer Land Rover paint in a two-coat solvent-based version.
This traditional version offers many advantages, including:
- quick drying
- easy to paint and sand
- better adhesion
- longer life
To place your order:
You will simply need to have your LAND ROVER color code, which you will have to send us, just after ordering, by email to
Professional quality for our LAND ROVER paints
1C base to varnish. Solvent-based acrylics.
The paints are fluid and covering, and allow you to paint approximately 4 to 5 m² per liter of diluted paint.
The aerosol version can cover 1/2 m² maximum
All our paints are sold and delivered ready to use, with the exception of the complete 1 L and 2 L kits, which present an offer with the pure paint and the thinner separately.
Land Rover color code paints do not comply with Directive 2004/42/EC Annex II B. They can be used for all decorative uses, on motorcycles, jet skis, helmets, collector's vehicles, and even decorative objects and furniture.
Instructions for use
Mixing: stir the paints vigorously just before use.
For pure versions, add approximately 50% thinner.
Application by spray gun or aerosol
Work in moderate temperatures (15-25°C) and in a dry, windless environment.
It is important to have good air circulation to evacuate paint fumes. However, it is also important to fix the dust on the ground by lightly watering it beforehand, if you are not working in a paint booth.
The bottom must be perfectly cleaned and sanded with an abrasive 500.
With a paint gun equipped with a nozzle of 1.0 to 1.4 mm
set a pressure of 2 to 2.5 bars
and spray 2 to 3 coats, allowing a few minutes for evaporation between each coat.
Allow the paint to dry for 10 to 20 minutes then varnish.
It is essential not to exceed 30 minutes of drying before varnishing, after which time the varnish will no longer be able to adhere naturally to the paint.
Car polish is available in aerosol clearcoat.
It is also available for those who use a paint gun, in a 875ml mini kit, or in a 1.5L kit of 830 UHS car clearcoat.
Need a primer?
Applying a primer is recommended for damaged or scratched surfaces. This is also recommended for complete parts. If you are doing a partial touch-up job with your Land Rover paint, we recommend working directly on the old paint after a light sanding, and with 500 grit sandpaper
Get help with the application
If you plan to apply the paint yourself, we invite you to follow all the instructions above, and to download the PDF technical sheet at the bottom of the page. We put all our experience and knowledge in the field of bodywork painting at your disposal. Do not hesitate to ask your questions by contacting us by email here:
The paint reference: color codes or names
Our colorist cannot do this research work for you. It is impossible to know a color code according to a model or a year. We invite you to contact your dealer, or to visit the Internet forums, if you cannot find your code, which is normally present in certain places on your bodywork.
For any verification, write to