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Hydro bodywork thinner H2O ECO FAST SICCATIVE

New product

Thinner for bodywork water-based paints – accelerating siccative

33% dilution
Almost immediate drying.
Considerable paint savings
Does not create streaks or streaks

Available in 1L and 5L

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H2O ECO FAST SICCATIVE is a drying and accelerating diluent specially designed for waterborne automotive body paints, used by automotive painters, in accordance with VOC regulations (directive 2004/42/EC).

The accelerating thinner for water-based paints offers many advantages for the application, drying and curing of water-based automotive paints.

It is composed of water-compatible co-solvents and coalescing additives.
It is compatible with all brands of automotive paint in hydro formula

H2O ECO FAST DRYER is not a cleaning thinner

Significant improvement in the physico-chemical properties of paints :

• Improved yield and performance.
• Increase in drying speed by 50% in cold temperatures.
• Increased paint hardening during evaporation.
• More homogeneous application and reduction of marbling defects.
• Better atomization and avoids the phenomenon of powdering in hot temperatures.
• Avoids the formation of mist and therefore the obstruction of the filters.

Coalescing :

ECOSOLVANT H2O FAST allows for better paint coalescence : automotive paints are made of polymers, the cells of which are kept separate in the paint in liquid form. The evaporation of water and the solvents and additives present in the formula, allow to melt and weld the polymers of the acrylic resins.

Mixture : 33% dilution

The H2O ECO FAST SICCATIVE reactive thinner is added to the paint with a ratio of 3 parts paint to 1 part thinner.

Stir the paint before adding the Reactive Thinner, and stir the thinned paint again.

After mixing, it is advisable to use the paint within 1 hour.

Application of paints with H2O ECO FAST SICCATIVE :

Apply thinned paint with an HVLP gun
Pressure of 1 and 1.5 bar and nozzles of 1.1 to 1.3.

First apply a "flash" layer
Let dry,
Then apply two coats for perfect coverage of the support.

The drying thinner allows almost immediate drying. It allows varnishing after 10 minutes.

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Hydro bodywork thinner H2O ECO FAST SICCATIVE

Thinner for bodywork water-based paints – accelerating siccative

33% dilution
Almost immediate drying.
Considerable paint savings
Does not create streaks or streaks

Available in 1L and 5L

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