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Chrome silvering machine


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The small size of the silvering product spraying station with its 3 x 9L  tanks allows the chroming of all types of parts with an excellent yield up to 2-4m²!

In stock, delivery in 48h-72h
Consumables not included
We accept payment for this product only by 
credit card or bank transfer.

Professionnal Use Only

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RO Chroming machine

Presenting our “PRO format” chrome plating machine, for spraying all the silvering products to create a chrome effect on all types of substrates*,  on small or large parts, at low cost (Product kit for 20m² = approx. €800 before tax).

The small PRO format gets you the same results than the large EXPERT format. Essentially, the difference is a lower yield in m², no frame and a different double nozzle spray gun.

You can adapt on the PRO machine other types of tanks or spray guns, by simple connection.

Discover the new high-performance formula of DUO+ Lithium silvering products offered in a complete 36m² kit and also in individual products

Patented R2S and R5 technologies

Metallization products (R2S and R5 formulas) are part of the patented technology across 37 countries. As a distributor, STARDUST COLORS is entitled to provide to customers purchasing products, and who accept it, a license free of charge to use the technology in consideration of the purchase of metallization Kits (This partnership takes the form of a licensing agreement to return to us signed prior to receiving R2S and R5 products)


Chrome effect through silvering

This technique produces a 100% Chrome effect, through the silvering process, which consists of depositing a thin layer of silver on a gloss base, by spraying silver solutions thinned in pure water. This simple chemical process is well known and used in the industry to produce mirrors.

StardustColors introduces 3 new patented high performance formulas:

- Duo + Lithium Formula

- Fast R2S formula (contains formaldehyde) 

- Slow R5 formula 

The different uses:

There are excellent opportunities for silver spray chrome among professionals in the decoration world, from furniture, show windows, to luxury, statues and artluxury bottle production (champagne) or bottle manufacturing (perfumes), or even on automotive and motorcycle parts 

 How does it work?

Summary for the 5-step processs

1- 2K paint Application then drying or baking

2- "Wetting" agent application then rinsing (wetting)

3- "Activator" application then rinsing (activation)

4- Cross-layered application of "A and B" then rinsing (the chrome effect will show)

5- Topcoat application

> Find at the bottom of the page the detailed video (12 minutes )   (Instructions and demos for applying the undercoat, the silver layer and the topcoat)


The PRO machine is a special spraying equipment for liquid solutions. It does not include consumables. The machine is supplied with an operating instructions guide and safety instructions.

The PRO machine consists of the following elements:

- 1 double sprayer* for chrome application
- 1 water sprayer
- 1 activator sprayer with 600ml bucket
- 1 blowgun
- 3 stainless steel tanks of 9L or 18L each
- 1 semi-automatic cleaning system
- An air regulator
- Internal pipes and connectors

- Operating instructions manual.


Labo kit for silver products Contains:

- 3 graduated plastic 1000ml beakers

- 3 test tubes of 100ml graduated plastic

- 20 graduated 1ml pipettes

All the Pro machine comonents are high quality, economical and easy to change.

double nozzle metallic spray gun can be easily fitted on the Pro machine. 




The chrome plating machine allows to create through a chemical reaction, a gloss silvered chrome effect, with a 100% mirror effect, and a high reflective index.

The process is decorative only and in no case claims to achieve the mechanical resistance and properties displayed by real chrome.

Main advantage of the silver spraying technique: various forms and objects made of different materials (plastic, glass, stone, metals, cardboard, wood, etc.) can be processed 
as long as this material surface has been properly prepared and/or primed (See our PRIMERS Category)


The technique is more complex than that of chrome paint, and requires a more rigorous approach, but will produce a 100% chrome effect. Great care must be taken, including the use, mixing and storage of the products. Chemicals are sensitive to temperature, light and mineral impurities (non pure water).

Find here graduated beakers and cylinders for mixing products


The STARDUST PRO machine technology does not use any product containing toxic hexavalent chromium: the Chrome effect consists of only a thin coating of silver.
Topcoats and hardeners are solvent-based paints that require a mask to be worn and air extraction. All the other dangerous products (ammonia) which participate to the chromium reaction are thinned in large amounts of water, but must nevertheless be used with an air extraction system.
With the machine, you don’t need to use “vacuum” techniques such as sputtering, or "chrome plating" which involves very harmful substances like hexavalent chromium IV.

- Filters for air purification
- A compressor
- A spray booth to obtain clean undercoats and topcoats and for extracting smoke.
- A retention tray to collect liquids.

Find here graduated beakers and cylinders for mixing products

This process and this spraying machine allow you to produce a chrome effect on small or large parts, very easily by simple spraying.
The machine only permits to produce the silver coating (the middle layer). The specific undercoat and topcoat are applied with traditional spray guns
Applying the chrome effect is a real challenge and requires a strict observance of the instructions. On the other hand, the base and topcoat application demands the skills of a professional spray painter.
This offer is completely different from chrome paint: it does not use the same products (the chrome paint is a paint) The visual result obtained with our chrome plating system is much greater than that of chrome paint. It is also very easy to apply the clear coat using our CelChrome topcoat, with no loss of mirror effect.


Our professional machine is the guarantee of the best value for money.
See below the production cost calculation for chroming a part (Motorcycle helmet, for example).
The machine parts have a 1 year guarantee. Spare parts are available within 24 hours.

The "chrome plating" system is a substantial initial investment, but based on our experience, it provides to craftsmen new customers coming from the decoration, luxury, art, automotive equipment , architecture, and luxury bottles sectors, and therefore several potential orders, with services charged at high rates. We caution that the use for parts operating in demanding conditions like rims or bumpers, is poorly adapted because the process is decorative and has no UV resistance (outdoor durability estimated to a few years maximum) 


The three-layer "chrome effect" system can be applied to any surface, as long as it has been properly primed and/or prepared, with the appropriate adhesion primer (wood, metal, glass/ceramic, concrete , plastic, etc.)
The technique can also be used on flexible surfaces.


dhesion guaranteed: Our system provides a total adhesion between the undercoat, the silver coating and the topcoat. No flame treatment is required, thanks to our "wetting" product. 

We use the CB7 base (special undercoat offering adhesion) for gentle or strong baking, or even for drying at room temperature: the silver coat binds and is welded to the base. Then, during the metallization coat and topcoat baking, the 3 coats (base, silver, topcoat) form an inseparable coating.
UV resistance: It cannot be guaranteed for outdoor use: silver is naturally sensitive to Uvs. To extend the life span, it's recommended to apply several passes of topcoats, in particular our anti UV topcoat  or any other bodywork clear coat + our anti UV additive.  The more passes of topcoats are applied the greater the protection You can also use our nanoceramic protection which acts as a powerful UV protection. However, we remind you that silver plating works outdoors cannot be permanent and cannot give rise to any guarantee.

The products and consumables are affordable, with very attractive prices, and sold in kits including paints and silver concentrates thinnable in water (1 kit = 20m²). All the products are also
 proposed separately here.

Find here our ultra pure distilled water.


The colouring is obtained simply by adding our concentrated Candy inks (17 inks are available)  in the light topcoat. 

It is possible to achieve Gold, Black, Blue, Red, etc. coloured Chrome by applying a coloured topcoat with a spray gun. This technique is very easy to achieve and creates astounding effects.


Payment by credit card and bank transfer on the site or pro forma - Delivery in France or worldwide.

Production cost for a helmet : 24 €  -  Billing: 200 € minimum


It involves activating the surface with a tin dichloride, then rinsing, and combined spraying of silver nitrate and a reducing agent, in water-thinned solutions.

To achieve a good silvering chemical reaction, it's necessary to work in mild or hot temperature conditions (>20°C) for air (of the workshop), water (of the mixture) and surface (of the part). Below 20°C, the reaction will be delayed and not be satisfactory. The higher the temperature, the better the results and the lower the power consumption will be. It’s important not to have a temperature difference between the substrate, the liquids and air.

Frequently Asked Questions:

- Does the small PRO machine produce the same result as the large EXPERT machine?
>> Yes, absolutely, except that the Pro machine has less tank volume and is a little less powerful, enabling to cover smaller surfaces (max 1.5m²)

- What are the differences between the large and small spraying versions?
 Find the detailed answer here

About the convergence of spray jets:

Products A and B are sprayed separately and meet at a junction point. Then they mix. It’s important that the products are mixed before touching the part surface.

About spray guns or sprayers:

Double nozzle guns have advantages (they atomize liquids better and consume less) and drawbacks (they are difficult to adjust, and do not have enough power for large parts). They are also very expensive (from €200 to €1,500)

The main advantages of sprayers are: high efficiency, economical, no adjustment.

About spray gun cleaning:

For tanks and guns, cleaning with water and bleach is sufficient. To completely renovate dirty parts, an ultrasonic cleaner must be used.

Products reserved for professional use










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Chrome silvering machine

The small size of the silvering product spraying station with its 3 x 9L  tanks allows the chroming of all types of parts with an excellent yield up to 2-4m²!

In stock, delivery in 48h-72h
Consumables not included
We accept payment for this product only by 
credit card or bank transfer.

Professionnal Use Only

How does it work?
> Download the brochure Procedure at the bottom of the page

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