New product
Carbon special epoxy acrylic primer
Delivered in kit with hardener (20%) and thinner (20%)
In stock, delivery within 48hrs
Use / destination: Suitable for bike frames, fairings, various carbon structures, snowshoes, windsurfing.
By its special nature, it’s the only product to guarantee adhesion and avoid peeling on this particular material that is carbon.
Used only on raw carbon, before paint application, and after repair with a carbon putty, for example
Nature of the product: The P510 is a solvent-based bi-component acrylic epoxy primer.
Fine, transparent, easy to apply, matte product that dries quickly.
Shade: Matte and transparent, it helps maintain the appearance of carbon fibers in the background.
The P510 carbon primer is a two-component clearcoat capable of adhering directly. Its advantage is that it is transparent.
We offer the P410 primer which is opaque (white, gray or black) and which adheres just as well to carbon
0.7 L Kit: Includes 0.5L of primer, 100ml of H423 hardener, 100ml of thinner
1,4 L Kit: Includes 1L of primer, 250ml of H423 hardener, 250ml of thinner
Kit 7L: Includes 5L of primer, 1L of H423 hardener, 1L of thinner
Substrate preparation:
Sanding with P400 / 500. Cleaning with water. Thorough drying with a burner. Degreasing with alcohol or degreaser.
Primer (by volume): 100 PARTS + Hardener: 20 PARTS + Thinner: 20 PARTS
Application Viscosity 18 - 20 S CA N° 4 A 20°C
Pneumatic gun
Nozzle diameter: 1 - 1.4mm
Pressure (bars): 2,5 – 4
Carbon 8070T Primer application
Apply on a smooth and finely sanded (P320 - P500) background
Apply 1 or 2 passes, allow 5 - 10 minutes between each coat
Coverable without sanding: 2h
Dry thickness: 10 to 30 μm
Desolvation: 5 MINUTES
STORAGE: 24 months in original packaging - Storage between 10 °C and 30 °C.
Theoretical coverage: 8m² / L
Voc: > 420g/L
If you prefer an effective, one-component primer for carbon
which is not transparent and which dries very quickly so use the 1C gray primer P440
Is it possible to sand the carbon primer?
Yes, it is a sandable product, like any paint or varnish,
but it is not a sandable product like a thick filling primer
It is not a surfacer primer, it is an adhesion primer.
If you are looking for a very thick, leveling, self-leveling, sandable and transparent product, then there is a product, it is 4000 thick epoxy resin / varnish