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CANDY Guitar Paint Kit – Spray or Paint Gun

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Complete CANDY Guitar Paint Kit

with all products available in spray cans or pots for spray gun application

Colour with transparency and depth effect:

1 ► Primer

2 ► Metallic paint

3 ► Candy-coloured, transparent clearcoat

Select your combination from the dropdown menu.

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You can paint a guitar just as you can paint any object. Among the choice of colours and effect paints for customisation, Candy paint is one of the most stunning options.

What can Candy colours bring to a guitar?

Candy colours are achieved using a painting technique where a transparent coat is applied over a metallic base coat:

The metallic paint reflects light.

The coloured and transparent clearcoat tints the light.

The result is a luminous and deep colour.

 The choice of base coat

Various types of metallic or pearlescent paints can be used. Aluminium paints are the simplest and most effective, available in very fine or coarser grains, almost glittery. There are also pearlescent paints with more elegant and subtle light reflections, and even glitter paints (FLAKES) for more eye-catching effects.

Discover the different base coats for Candy we offer. Below are the main ones:

BC1 Bright Aluminium **

BC2 Coarse Aluminium ***

BC4 Diamant White ***

BC5 Diamant Gold***

BC9 Silver Pearl **

BC60 Micro Aluminium *

BC51 Shimmering White **

BC98 Ghost Blue *

Grain sizes: * fine / ** medium / *** coarse

For a glittery finish on your guitar, check out our Metal Flakes Candy Guitar Kit.

 The Candy colour

These are pure colours made from entirely transparent dyes.

The final colour can be bright or very dark, depending on the number of Candy-coloured clearcoat coats applied.

Discover the various Candy colours we offer. Below are the main options:

Red Wine 08

Apple Red 119

Cyan Blue 06

Cobalt Blue 03

Violet 17

Cherry red 87

Orange 54

Yellow 21

Lime Green 31

Fushia 53

Root Beer 18

Chloro Green 33

Black 01

Brown 02

Magenta 162

The attached documents include the combination chart.

Kit Options for the Complete CANDY Guitar Paint Set

Spray Kit

Paint Gun Kit

1 x P410 two-component primer * (black or white)

2 x Metallic or pearlescent paint – colour of your choice **

2 x Candy two-component clearcoat – colour of your choice **

750ml Kit: Filling primer H410 * (black or white) in can with hardener and thinner

250ml Metallic or pearlescent paint – colour of your choice **

875ml UHS clearcoat with hardener and thinner

+ 69ml Candy concentrated ink

Note: For raw wooden guitars with porous and/or uneven surfaces, additional primer coats may be required to level and fill the base properly. Additional filling primers in spray form can be found here.


Step 1 : Sand with P320, dust off

Step 2 : Mix and apply the primer:

  • aerosol* : Activate the hardener at the bottom of the spray can and shake.

  • can : Mix 4 parts primer with 1 part hardener.

Apply multiple coats at 5-10 minute intervals.

Let dry for at least 6 hours, then sand with P500.

Step 3 : Metallic or pearlescent paints are ready to use. Stir or shake well before application. Paint in very thin and repeated coats until the primer is fully covered.

Interval between coats: 2-5 minutes.

Move on to applying the clearcoat immediately.

Step 4 : Mix and apply the CANDY clearcoat:

  • aerosol *: Activate the hardener at the bottom of the spray can and shake.

  • can : Mix 2 parts clearcoat with 1 part hardener.

Apply 2 to 5 coats at 5-10 minute intervals.

Note: Two-component aerosols are single-use and must be used quickly (1-2 hours maximum after activation).

Drying time: 24 hours.

Clearcoat :

The clearcoat's gloss can be enhanced with polishing or by applying a new "clear" clearcoat.

We offer automotive-quality clearcoats in aerosol form or as mini kits.

Safety Note: Flammable and harmful products. Read the safety instructions on the product packaging. Use a paint respirator mask and ensure adequate air extraction during application.

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CANDY Guitar Paint Kit – Spray or Paint Gun

Complete CANDY Guitar Paint Kit

with all products available in spray cans or pots for spray gun application

Colour with transparency and depth effect:

1 ► Primer

2 ► Metallic paint

3 ► Candy-coloured, transparent clearcoat

Select your combination from the dropdown menu.

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