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Crystallizer - Crystal effect Motorcycle paint
You can chose among nearly 15 Candy colours for the finish:
(Please send your choice by email)
- 1L of Bright Aluminium paint
- 500ml of Crystalizer Paint Stardust®
- 125ml of black
- 1.5L of UHS 830 clearcoat
- 69ml Concentrated Candy (please select your colour and notify us by mail)
(color of your choice see PDF at bottom of page)
A solution for those who do not have a compressor and spray gun with the aerosol kit
The Stardust® Crystalizer is an amazing product that is sprayed and that creates crystal patterns during its evaporation. The effect is increased with the application of a coloured clearcoat named "Candy"
To be specified by mail or in the comments
The color chart PDF below can be found for high definition download at the bottom of the page:
The perticular technique of the crystal effect is detailed on the Crystalizer product page of our site. (Watch also the video)
It is important to read all the details of the instructions on this page.
Summary of the multi-layer process for the Crystal FX effect on a motorcycle:
Step 1 - The background must be a dark background (old paint sanded with P500 or black primer, or black base paint
Step 2 - Paint the aluminum paint (ready to use, pre-diluted, with several thin layers)
Step 3 - After 10 minutes and before 30 minutes, apply a layer of UHS varnish (3:1), this allows a much better development of the crystals on the surface. The crystals do not develop of course a raw aluminum paint.
Step 4 - Sand the varnish with P400 . Very important To obtain a good adhesion of the crystals
Step 5 - Apply the crystalizer and let evaporate at 30 ° C. The Crystalizer is applied with a thick layer very quickly. No touch-ups should be done. The part must be quickly put to study, with a warm and dry temperature. Absolutely avoid humidity. In cold temperatures, small crystals will develop.
Step 6 - Apply a thin veil of black (Ready-to-use paint). The layer must be thin and semi-opaque. Do not apply too much black, which would make the layer difficult to clean.
Step 7 - Wipe immediately and before 2 minutes with a damp sponge (A kitchen sponge with the green side well worn is ideal). The cleaning operation must take place very quickly after the application of the layer of black, in order to prevent it from hardening too much.
Step 8 - Rinse with water and dry.
Step 9 - Apply Candy varnish (mix by weight or volume: 100 parts varnish + 33 parts hardener + 10 parts thinner). Apply 3 coats with 10 minutes interval. Allow to dry for 24 hours.
What is the waiting time between the crystal appearance phase and the black paint layer application phase, should we wait 24 hours?
You just have to wait until the crystallization is complete. This can take 2 minutes at 35°, or 15 minutes at 20°. It is not necessary to wait longer. It is possible to move on to the next step after 24 hours, however, the crystallized surface must be well protected from humidity, by keeping the crystallized support in a perfectly dry environment, otherwise the crystals "melt".
Find here our different complete CRYSTALIZER paint kits:
► Spray Scooter Kit
► Car Kit
► Bike Kit