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Holographic automotive paint flakesHolographic pearls for body paint

Before explaining what holographic glitter looks like, we will place it among the types of glitter for car paint. The origin of this holographic name comes from the fact that these nacres or glitter create a kind of visual hologram. It's kind of an illusion that takes shape on the surface and creates a color based on pure light.

The particularity of this colored reflection is that it is changing and adopts all the colors present in the spectrum of light, that is to say that it will take shape under the effect of reflections rainbow, which will gradually show the curves and reliefs of the surface, or even the angle of view, all the colors of the defragmented light spectrum.

The real name for these holographic flakes would be more "prismatic flakes" because they act like a prism which reflects only a fraction of the light. For those who don't know, visible sunlight is made up, among other things, of a mixture of all the colors purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red... and all of this gives white light.

Holographic car paint flakes

Holographic glitter comes in different sizes. With the scintillating reflection, the size is one of the main characteristics of the spangle : indeed, a pigment is not a spangle and one considers that a spangle with at least sixty to eighty microns in diameter. A flake is considered to be defined by a particle larger than 200 microns. There are also holographic car paint flakes of different colors: we are not talking about "color of reflections" but of colors of the substrate.

The color of the material is the very color of the spangle when it has no reflection, that is to say when observed in the shade. Indeed, you can find not only silver holographic sequins, but also blue, red, gold, green, etc... Stardust recently released a new transparent automotive holographic sequin: that is to say that the spangle allows to preserve the color of the background and to create invisibly a prismatic reflection.

Holographic automotive paint flakesWhat background color should I use under holographic glitter ?

In order for the background to absorb the light, not reflect it and thus allow the glitter to reflect all the light on its own, we use a black background. On the contrary, the worst color to use under a holographic sequin is the white color, because it will compete with the sequin.

We are also free to use a bright or dark color similar to the body of the sequin. The color of the reflection depends on the viewing angle and is only possible if illuminated directly by a light source. The prismatic spangle has no reflection in diffused light or cloudy skies.

Fields of application for prismatic sequins

This innovation, which are the prismatic sequins widely used today in the world of decoration and showcase, comes from a new technology which consists in using a sequin made of a silver polyester film and microscopically deposit a corrugated surface of metal oxides. These tile-like surfaces will reflect light from different angles and different colors depending on the thickness of the metallic layer.

The uses of holographic glitter are varied, they can be found on bodywork as well as in shop windows or on packaging and perfume bottles. These colorful and luminous reflections trigger a kind of hypnotic state on the observer, a kind of disconnection that plunges the mind into a disconnected imaginary world. It is therefore one of the most interesting visual effects for dematerializing the surface of a material.

Crystal car paint flakes
Diamond car paint flakes
Metal Flakes car paint flakes
Polyester car paint flakes

