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Methods of applying car, motorcycle and bicycle paintTechnologies for the application of car, motorcycle and bicycle paints...

Specific techniques, methods and equipment allow the application of car paint, motorcycle paint and bike paint. The methods of applying a car paint are not limited to the spray gun. A small number of tools and knowledge make it possible to carry out the work of painting.

There are more specific techniques, using "flakebusters", or "powder guns", and many other special tools, such as airbrushes, the handling of which is explained in our product pages.

Our methods for applying car paint, motorcycle paint and bike paint

Installation and maintenance are essential aspects to ensure quality work. Knowing how to choose, assemble, connect, and adjust, then clean your equipment requires experience and the information found here and there is not always clear.

We give you all this information and car paint application methods in our tutorial pages below so that you succeed in your projects with Stardust products.

Compressed air supply

It is a central station made up of several components (compressor, purifier, fittings and pipe) which delivers the supply of compressed air for the application of the paint, and also the pneumatic tools. The air arrives under pressure between 1 and 8 bars, and must be purified of contaminants, and regulated. Compressed air must also be supplied stably without pressure drop during work.

Methods of applying car, motorcycle and bicycle paintSpray with airbrush, spray gun, aerosol and chrome plating

Our company manufactures paints for spray guns or for airbrushes (thin versions). These same paints exist with us in aerosol format (spray). We manufacture and distribute silvering formulas for chrome plating, as well as all the necessary tools and machinery for spray with airbrush, spray gun, aerosol and chrome plating.

Other application methods

For the other disciplines of "Custom" and personalization on bodywork, we offer, for all these other methods of applying paint (hydrodipping, glitter, and pinstriping), all the products and their use sheet, as well as the tools (brushes, trays, brushes..).

Painter's equipment and installation

On a more or less large scale, these are both the lab, where the paint mixtures are stored and prepared, and the cabin where the paints are applied, protected from dust. For those who are dedicated to chrome plating or dipping, in addition to the painter's equipment and installations, other equipment such as soaking or retention tanks.

Tools and accessories for car, motorcycle and bicycle painting
Users of car paint, motorcycle paint and bike paint
Car paint, motorcycle paint and bike paint techniques
Rules safety in the application of paint

